Alexandra Tuck's profile

Various Projects // Print / Book Design / Packaging

A short brief where we were asked to take a brand, corporate identity or advertising campaign and create a completely new proposition for it. Preferably as far removed from its existing one as possible. Change its benefit. Change its target audience. Change its personality. After discovering how much sugar a can of Coke contains I felt it was appropriate to create a campaign - 'Giving dentists something to smile about'. The above image depicts a can of Coke being given out as a prescription 'drug' by dentists, causing tooth damage and giving dentists more business! 
Taking 'trashy type' found on the streets of Blackpool and turning it into something else - not so trashy type. 
A book based around typographic metaphors, using ONLY the font Cochin. 
Various Projects // Print / Book Design / Packaging

Various Projects // Print / Book Design / Packaging

A varied selection of my work over the last 12 months.
