Governments have a lot of complex choices to make, sometimes it can be hard to see how these choices impact society and how these choices start whole new processes.
The Province of Gelderland supports many businesses and projects, these are funded with public as well as EU funds. I teamed up with Studio Hands and Halfvol to show you how these funds get the balls rolling.
It’s not about money, it’s about what this money means for the people who it reaches. Studio Halfvol went all over the province to find people who helped us tell that story.
Vincent Hammingh(a super talented designer), helped to keep the style clean and easy to follow.
I try to make the animation relatable, everyone played with marbles when they were a child,  the sight and sound of colorful balls rolling and bouncing off wooden walls trigger a nostalgia that I wanted to really push.

The white unending world represents the infinite space where possibilities can be created.
Provincie Gelderland


Provincie Gelderland

Financing and Development
