Nini Mawi's profile

COMO restaurant and cocktail bar menus

Design of new menus for COMO, Prague's finest fusion restaurant and cocktail bar. 

COMO restaurant and cocktail bar is located in the heart of Prague, Czech Republic. Its eclectic interior perfectly supplements the delicious and beautifully plated dishes, ranging from Czech classics to Mediterranean cuisine and sushi, all with that special COMO twist. The surreal theme that runs through the entire interior is especially noticeable in the cocktail bar, where an inverted tree appears to be growing from the ceiling, right above the 360 degree circular bar. 

My task was to design 4 separate menus for the restaurant and cocktail bar: A la carte, drinks, wine and cocktails.
The interior of COMO's cocktail bar.
The 3 menus for the restaurant. In order of appearance: A la carte, drinks, wine.
Inspired by the experience of eating at COMO, which tends to all your senses, I wanted to create something that would be more than simply a way to display a list of available dishes. I wanted the menus to become part of the evening's experience.

When you sit down at a restaurant, the first thing you touch is usually the menu. With this in mind I decided on copper and soft leather as my 2 materials. The copper gives the menu nice weight, is hard and feels cold to the touch, while the leather offers a nice contrast with its softness, suppleness and warmth. Real leather and metal also have their very own smells which add to the experience of luxury and abundance.

The cocktail menu is used only in the bar, where most of the seating is plush teal velvet and the tables are copper. Inspired by the color scheme I combined the 2 materials from the other menus and made a menu cover that is soft leather in the front and hard copper for the back. 

The logo is printed in metallic foil on the cover, and the inverted tree is stamped into the material.
COMO also asked for a series of posters for the terrace facing Wenceslas Square. Each poster displays something from the menu in a surrealist setting, drawing attention from the busy square to the restaurant. 
This project is currently in the production faze, and I will be updating it with photos of the physical menus once I receive them.
COMO restaurant and cocktail bar menus


COMO restaurant and cocktail bar menus
