Jane Pellicciotto's profile

Fish & Wildlife News, magazine

Fish & Wildlife News is the quarterly, internal magazine of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Building on the Service's brand standards, Allegro Design created the interior design of the magazine.
In addition to departments, each issue has three to six feature stories.
I help source images and provide copywriting and editing support due to tight schedules, limited client staff and budget. Below are spreads from multiple issues of the News.
Above: Cover for the 50th Anniversary of the publication of Silent Spring, by Rachel Carson. Carson's book awakened the public to the hazards of chemicals on the environment and our health. A nest of sentences from the book cradles a bald eagle egg. Eagles were one casualty of the use of chemicals like DDT which put the eagle on the endangered species list.
Above: sample table of contents page
Above and below: Technical information is made more visually appealing by turning it into an infographic
Above: a typographic detail from a department section called Around the Service.
Fish & Wildlife News, magazine

Fish & Wildlife News, magazine

Quarterly, internal magazine for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
