Geisha Stories For Life - Case Study 
Each story was designed to stimulate a child's learning ability and imagination through lovable fairy tale
creatures they could relate to. The stories gave children a new vocabulary and taught them important values;
opening their mind and teaching them life lessons, like how to be kind, resilient and how to use their minds.

Stories for Life could be played anytime anywhere, but Geisha recommended bath time as it is a chance for
a parent and little one to bond, maximizing mother-to-child time while doing something they love: listening to voice.
Through the Stories For Life six-part series of stories, mothers could read to their children easily.

The stories which are set rhythmically, almost like a song were downloadable off a mobile phone
for a parent to read to a child.

Enjoy listening to the audio books below.

Gina the Giraffe
Eddie the Elephant
Cheeky and Chirpy
Lenny the Afraidy Cat
Inky Pinky the Donkey
Miss Molly the Hippo


Agency The Hardy Boys
Agency Producer Chloe Saunders
Brand  Geisha Soap Unilever
Executive Creative Director Geoff Paton 
Writer  Nick Gordon, Tyrone Andrey
Art Director Dylon Dreyer, Johan Liebenberg
Illustrator Hylton Worlburten, Dylon Dreyer
Design Hylton Worlburten, Dylon Dreyer
Production & fabrication Brand Iron & Maker Space
PR Agency Verve

Stories for life