With the rise of social networks, teenagers are constantly connected to the digital world, reducing time to be alone and daydream. Can design encourage teenagers to disconnect more?
Teenagers are more and more connected to social networks, but their capacity for daydreaming and being creative is lower and lower the more they are connected digitally. 
The iDaydream is a drawing tool with which the user can make a daily calendar of drawings, dreams and doodles, aimed for teenagers can use in the shower, the place where one is most creative. It uses thermochromic ink to create tiles that are black when outside the shower, and white when taking one, so the drawings are visible only during that special moment. 
This project was a self initiated project for my final year dissertation in Product Design at Central Saint Martins College of Art & Design. 
How can I make this experience unique for the shower?


iDaydream is a daydream calendar for the shower, one of the best places where you can have your greatest ideas, and can open up your creative min Read More
