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Visual identity of the exhibition

Visual identity and promotional
campaign for the exhibition
 ˝ A W A K E N E D ˝


The theme of the exhibition "Awakened" is the Renaissance revival in Italy (XV century), which was primarily inspired by the rediscovered heritage of antiquity. At the exhibition, we can see 160 exhibits on loan from over 50 institutions and private collections, among which are, eg. the Uffizi Gallery (Florence), Borghese Gallery (Rome), Louvre, British Museum, and the National Gallery of Art in Washington.

Scope: logo inspired by Renaissance typography, for which we created a custom font "Awakened", posters, ads, accompanying prints (program, folder, educational materials), promotional video, exhibition catalog, typography, and prints at the exhibition, animation – projection on mirrors inside the exhibition.



T Y P O G R A P H Y 
&   A N I M A T I O N​​​​​​​



Curator: Mikołaj Baliszewski
Client: Royal Castle in Warsaw

Typography design for "Awakened": Diana Makulska / Podpunkt
Graphic design and visual identity for the exhibition: Diana Makulska / Podpunkt
Exhibition catalog: Diana Makulska / Podpunkt
Promotional video: Ewa Najnigier Galińska / Podpunkt
Promotional materials: Diana Makulska / Podpunkt
Exhibition folder: Emilka Bojańczyk / Podpunkt
Animation for mirrored cubes: Zuzanna Charkiewicz / Podpunkt

Photography: Royal Castle in Warsaw
Photo with the castle banner: Marcin Czechowicz

Scenography: Anna Met
Exhibition production: Perfect Events

Typeface: Cirka by Pangram Pangram, Fazeta by Adtypo

Visually strong and well made products by
Visual identity of the exhibition

Visual identity of the exhibition
