Pöide beer / packaging

Pöide beer – the Modern Gothic
After a long wait, the island of Saaremaa again has its own proper brew.
This craft beer originates from a microbrewery on a small farm
just outside the legendary Pöide. The massive church dominates
the landscape and has undoubtedly left its mark on the label.
But it also reflects the island's deep-rooted pagan attitude.

Dan designed the label, Lewis made the case, Joonas created the web page.
Packaging photos by Oleg Hartsenko.
An inspiration – the Pöide church on the Saaremaa island
The proposed lineup in 2013 – it was never meant to be an oddball
The first beer that got produced and shipped out
By 2016 Pöide had grown into a nice family, including a Xmas beer, Vienna Lager, a more moderate Islander Saison and a Pop
“Terviseks!”, as they say in these parts
The engraved glass
If you don't appreciate alcohol (that's quite ok, don't worry), then there's one for you as well.  It shouldn't be mistaken for your dad's beer though.
The custom 16-bottle case. Nothing shy about it, it's meant to shout while hustled around
Pöide beer / packaging

Pöide beer / packaging

An identity creation for a craft brewery on the Saaremaa island, Estonia.
