Elori braggot is a special craft beer flavored with chestnut honey that my girlfriend Michela has recently taken out of her witch pot.
For this graphic design project we decided to keep a certain visual continuity with the previous label, Krampus Triple.
Hand drawing
I like to start from a blank sheet. I don't consider myself a great artist, but by forcing myself to sketch something by hand I can better focus on the ideas avoiding them to be trapped inside of the mouse.
This is the crucial and genuinely "creative" step of each project!
Once acquired the dawing with the scanner I proceed with the coloration in vectors forms with the overlapping of various shades.
Finishing touches
Colored the whole picture, I add an edited photo which will be the background of the image. I would also add different textures and shadows to create more realism. I also try various effects to give the final touch to the composition. Then I usually try to reconstruct the image, or at least a part of it, by creating a rectangular label that appears inside my blog post and which I can effectively share on Facebook and on other social networks.
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Elori Braggot

Elori Braggot

The design of a label for Elori Braggot, a craft beer by Birrifugio Morrigan
