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Stormy rainbow seas off Newfoundland

I’m excited to share with you this recent painting ”Stormy rainbow seas off Newfoundland” I painted this last weekend, and it is the sixteenth in a new series exploring the spirit of adventure in all of us. Distant shores, great voyages, friendships rekindled and quiet moments of joy on reflection of the wonders of our world.
After many days of big seas and storm threats finally for Mia the storm broke and she rode it out at the end of the 11th day from the Greenland coast. 
The winds had gradually risen and as she watched the white horses on the increasing swells she stowed her sails and went below to wapiti it out. 
The warmth of the cabin was some comfort as the small craft rocked on the ever roughening seas. She watch from the porthole as the waves grew ever larger and the winds grew more shill.
For over 5 hours she kept a careful vigil until the note of the wind dropped and she returned to the deck to enjoy the sight of a few bright stars as the clouds rolled away and she settled in for the night. 
Soon she would make her next landfall and would decide where she’d land in the morning, she’d sleep well tonight.
Stormy rainbow seas off Newfoundland

Stormy rainbow seas off Newfoundland
