Voxy ​​​​​​​

Voxy is a language learning web and mobile app that teaches English through news articles and videos. 

From 2013-2015, I had the opportunity to use my background in gaming to improve activities for Voxy. One of the activities I created was a game-like listening comprehension activity called Word Pop. The point of the activity is for the user to click on the bubble that corresponds to the audio clip. All of the words in the bubbles are pulled from a news article that the user is then prompted to read.

See the video below for the web version (we also made an iPhone and Android version).

We came to making Word Pop after playtesting prototypes of a few other activity ideas. Here are a few mockups of these ideas. The mockup below is of a simon-says like game where the user combines words to create sentences. The more words in the sentence the more points the user gets.

Here's another activity idea we playtested. It's pretty similar to a memory card game.

We also prototyped and playtested this activity. The point of the it is to match the hexagons that relate to eachother.

Aside from revamping activities at Voxy, I also created a new first user experience site. Here's a video detailing the interactions of the website.

I've also gotten to add interactions in the product to motivate learners and make Voxy more fun. Here's an animation detailing how the user has progressed after completing a lesson.

We also revamped the Voxy tutoring center. Building a dashboard where students can not only pick a tutor and schedule a session, but also a page where they are assigned speaking and writing homework. The assignments are asynchronous, meaning they can be completed when it is convenient for the student, and then graded by their tutor. This project is pretty big so I'll only share a few components here.

Feel free to check out a fully fleshed out pdf I made of the scheduling UI. Right Here.

And here for the homework UI.

For the speaking asynchronous homework I had to design an audio player that let's the user record their response. Below is a mockup I made detailing the interaction.

Here's another mockup detailing interactions for asynchronous homework. This mockup shows how the user can access a news article if the homework is based off of it.


