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Tanishq Bafna

Hire Tanishq

Product Design
Product Design
Product Design

From US$1,000

WHAT'S INCLUDED User research report Summarizes findings from user research activities like interviews, surveys, usability tests, etc. This helps inform design decisions. Personas Detailed profiles of key user types that describe their goals, behaviors, pain points, etc. This helps guide design to meet user needs. User flows Visual diagrams show the step-by-step journey a user goes through to complete key tasks. Helps understand user goals and paths. Wireframes Black and white schematic layouts that demonstrate content, functionality, and flow of product screens. Used for iterating on ideas. Mockups Visual design drafts that showcase spacing, typography, color, graphics, etc. Brings wireframes to life visually. Prototypes Interactive visual models that simulate the actual product experience. Allows testing usability and flow. Specifications Detailed annotations and redlines that specify UI elements like button shapes, font sizes, icon details, etc. Style guides References that establish standards for design language, branding, and visual style to ensure consistency. Design documentation Records of iterations, decisions, open questions, and guidelines. Helps align stakeholders and support handoff.

Within 3 months

5 concepts, 10 revisions

Web UX Design
Web UX Design
Web UX Design

From US$1,000

ABOUT THIS SERVICE  Here are more detailed explanations of each web UX deliverable: Site maps Visual diagrams showing the website's information architecture and how pages are organized Illustrate the hierarchical relationships between pages Highlight the main navigation structure and key pages/sections Help plan logical information flow and user pathways Ensure important content is accessible within 1-3 clicks Provide a blueprint for site structure and navigation systems User flows Outline the step-by-step journey users take to complete critical goals/tasks Highlight happy paths as well as alternate routes and exceptions Identify points where key decisions are made based on user input Call attention to areas of complexity or confusion to address in the design Created to cover main use cases and priorities identified in research Help align stakeholders on primary user goals and pathways on the site Wireframes Schematic page layouts showing interface elements, structure, spacing Enable focus on content, hierarchy, and organization without visuals Ensure information design and UI patterns match user expectations Refine and test information architecture, navigation, findability Provide content inventory and plan for each page and component Increased fidelity wireframes include detailed interface copy as well Interactive prototypes Bring static wireframes to life with clickable, interactive flows Allow first-hand experience with key workflows for evaluation Gather feedback through realistic use case walkthroughs Shape interactions and complex components through iteration Smooth handoff to the development team by prototyping key features Fidelity ranges from simple click-throughs to high-fidelity Style tiles Curated sample visual treatments that communicate the desired look and feel Showcase colors, fonts, and styles that embody brand qualities Provide creative inspiration for visual/UI designers Include typographic choices, graphical treatments, imagery styles Help guide and align visual direction across stakeholders Serve as style guides for designers to ensure consistency Mockups Complete visual designs showing layout, visuals, typography, color Translate wireframes into aesthetically appealing, branded screens Enable assessment of graphics, imagery, content presentation Visualize how components like menus, buttons, and cards will look Provide detailed specs for UI designers and developers High-fidelity mockups may be nearly indistinguishable from the final product Component library Collection of reusable, coded UI components and patterns Helps ensure consistency across site/app Components include buttons, menus, cards, widgets, banners Provides developers with front-end code and assets Enables efficient scaling of UI development Keeps updates easy by adjusting components once 

Within 3 months

5 concepts, 10 revisions