3 Stories by Raymond Carver
As a book of short stories, 3 links together type and image to create and highlight distinct emotional bonds found within the works. Using old family photography alongside stories by Raymond Carver, the book serves to highlight how distinct characters from unrelated stories are united by a common emotional undercurrent. Emotive typesetting, short sheets, and tipped-in pages showcase personal connections with the works, and convey a feeling of discovery for those who read the text in-depth. While on one hand used for emphasis, contrasting page layouts also question if the called out type alone allows for the same interpretation of the message as fully reading through.

Stories included: 
"Neighbors""So Much Water So Close to Home""A Small, Good Thing"
printed on epson r2000 | cover letterpressed on 220lb neenah crane's lettra | hand-boundinterior: 100lb text neenah classic crest, classic natural white  | 200 pp.


A collection of short stories by Raymond Carver
