Some illustrations I did for Julia Jarman's Book "Pillywiggins and the Tree Witch" published by Andersen Press in 2011.
  Looking up, she saw the loveliest fairy she had ever seen and she longed to gaze at her forever.
"Kneel," said the Queen, raising her wand and Natasha sank to her knees.
There was a rabbit sitting in the tree. The tree looked like a person. But then, trees often did if you were Natasha.
 "It's Hot Breath,"said Pillywiggins...
"He is the dragon who guards the wood. I should have guessed he made the clearing. Don't worry I can deal with him."
 Huge, the Bugaboo's swinging arms nearly touched the ground. Skin like mouldy cheese hung from its body in folds. She couldn't see its face till it turned to look in her direction. Then she saw the single eye in the middle of its forehead.
Tap-tap-tap. A sound drew her back to the window. There was a bright light bobbing up and down.
"Help!" The fairy was tapping the glass.
  "It's the Red Goblins", gasped Pillywiggins from in front of her. "They're Fairy Land's top flying force. They're after you, so fly for your mortal life".
  Step inside, step inside,
Step inside our fairy ring.
You will hear, you will hear
Magic bells go ting-ling-ling.
 Then came the mushrooms. Creamy white domes popped up, one, two, three... A fairy ring. She could hardly believe it, even when a fairy appeared in the middle of the ring.
  The closer Natasha got to Pillywiggins, the more wildly Tree Witch shook, and the louder she hissed,
"Sss...tay away! Sss...tay away!"
She rained pine needles on Natasha's bare arms and face.
  The old lady was asleep in a rocking chair when they arrived at her cottage. Her face looked brown like a shrivelled old conker.
"Ninety next birthday," said Jamie. "She's a bit deaf but she's got all her marbles".
  Pillywiggins could feel the moon beams playing on her hard surface. She could feel herself softening. Feel life tingling through her.
He was standing inside the gravel driveway of a big old house with a FOR SALE board in the garden. She made out the words Fairfax House engraved on the gatepost.
  She sat like a girl, on a mushroom, with her long legs crossed at the ankles. But she was dressed like a boy, well, an elf or pixie.<...>
"But you're not human, not with those ears".
"No, she's Pillywiggins".
 Her shape softened. No longer stiff and spiky she leaned over, put out her arms and cuddled her son.
 "You," she shrieked again, "You must go and get my baby or ..."


Some illustrations I draw for "Pillywiggins and the Tree Witch" book by Julia Jarman, published by Andersen Press in 2011.


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