Some Lifestyle Shots

Spotted this car for sale on recent visit to Dubai - could not afford it but nice toy
Keith (the model) is a golf pro and set this shot up for me. I asked him what a golfer would like (I dont play golf) and we set the shot up - waited for the light and I pressed the button. Always ask the experts. This shot worked well and was used extensively by DeVere in selling their exclusive timeshare resorts - selling the experience!
Not a set-up shot - this is two retired people enjoying themselves which I took while walking the dog. Not a bad way to spend your twilight years.
Even Cardiff can look good !
This was an art project in Portobello outside Edinburgh - the artist placed large transparencies of scenes over the spot where he took them - interesting stuff.
Almost makes you feel like singing "Jerusalem" - this is one of the better parts of Wiltshire.
Dubai Marina - even though this was not a commissioned shot I cant help thinking print and double page spread with space for copy - sad!
Canal in winter - I would like to live on a canal boat but they do not make them big enough
Kids in Cuba on the school bus - happy!
Sara and Mig at Heavan's gate - Longleat
Why is it that when people get old they tend to sit on chairs and look at the sea?
The road to the Isles - Scotland
Dubai must be the best place to skydive in the world - you have to be good but it is worth it! ( dropping over the palm - dodging high buildings - and not landing in the water)
Young kids jumping off a rock in the Seychelles


Photographs of lifestyle including photographs taken in Scotland, England, Wales, Dubai and the Seychelles
