Laranja Caseira
Package Design
Creating an "vintage", homemade atmosphere for this packaging line, stressing its biggest differentiator that is containing orange wedges as an orange juice freshly squeezed at home.

Criação de uma atmosfera "vintage", caseira, para esta linha de embalagem, ressaltando seu maior diferencial que é conter os gominhos da laranja, como o suco de laranja espremido na hora.

Date: 2007 | Client: Coca-Cola | Creative Direction: Giovanni Vannucchi | Design Collaborator: Luis Kono | Film and Ad Campaign: NBS

This project was designed as a Senior Designer at Oz Design.
Laranja Caseira


Laranja Caseira

Projeto desenvolvido na Oz Design como Designer Senior. Developing the identity and graphics of the new product of Coca Cola Brazil, Homemade Ora Read More
