​​​​​​​Design entry for the "Logo for Architects" competition conducted by Council of Architecture, India. COA is responsible for regulating the profession's education and practice throughout India and maintaining the register of Architects.

Year  2015
Client  Council of Architecture, New Delhi. 
Discipline  Brand identity
Sector  Professional services

The presented design is a form derived only with an association based on the existing three primary shapes of design; triangle, orthogon, circle.

The geometry of the each form used has the base proportion of φ, where φ is the golden mean

Adolf Loos asked, "Is architecture still an art?" 

He stated, "If our rising artistic generation also wanted to give powerful expression to its conviction, in defiance of all financial challenges, the beneficial consequences would soon appear in the reputation of our art. Look at your brothers in painting, sculpture and music! They can starve and suffer for their art, if need be. And that is something that he must do who wants to bear the finest honorary title of all: artist!"

Extract from, To Our Young Architects (1898).

Architect Logo


Architect Logo

Design entry for “Logo for Architects” competition conducted by Council of Architecture, New Delhi.
