Wonder Grottole is an experimental project that involves and connects people and energies from all over the world, it is a social enterprise that works to rehabilitate the historic centre of the village of Grottole (30 km from Matera), thanks to the regeneration of abandoned houses and the creation of a new community. Local and global, material and immaterial, past and future. Being comfortable together, inventing and imagining new ways of living in the community between free time and work.

Wonder Grottole visual identity was developed during a co-design workshop that I held at the Super  Scuola Superiore d'Arte Applicata of Milan, in February 2019. Together with a small group of students, we imagined and developed its communication strategy and brand design. 


Founding Partners
Viviana Bassan 
Silvio Donadio 
Valentina La Terza 
Andrea Paoletti 
John Thackara

Art Director
Mariangela Savoia
Officina Grafica di Super
Scuola Superiore d'Arte Applicata

Workshop Leaders
Mariangela Savoia and Guido Dallago

Project Manager
Fosca Salvi

Ilaria Lazzarotto
Mariella Nalli
Claudia Polpetta
Anthony Serviddio

Design Intern
Fiorella Cerasuolo

Web development
Fly Data snc

(c) Wonder Grottole / Italian Sabbatical


Wonder Grottole


Wonder Grottole
