Beth Coopers profil

Good Intentions Gone Wrong

Good Intentions Gone Wrong
Book Re-design
Redesign a set of books from the Barnes and Noble Classics and create a new series. 

Four specific books were chosen containing characters with similar struggles. In each of these books, the main characters are all striving for good, but find that despite their best intentions, only trouble arises. The goal was to present the books from each character’s perspective in an overly optimistic way. Each cover displayed a “note to self” in which the character reflected about the horrible events that occurred in their life. The note was listed as a to do list with each event being crossed off as it occurred. The books were presented from a dark, comedic approach in order to attract viewers that normally would not have been drawn to this particular genre of literature.
Good Intentions Gone Wrong

Good Intentions Gone Wrong

Barnes and Noble book series redesign.
