Presentation design
I've created slides and visual material for many educational and business presentations. Keen to avoid "death by Powerpoint", I try to make my own presentations visually interesting. Here are a few examples, with links to originals on Slideshare or Prezi.
This slide demonstrates the power of visual imagery in communicating a concept
Every presentation tells a story
The screenshots below are from a Prezi about presentation design. I explained how every presentation tells a story, and how aspects such as setting, style and storyline affect how receptive the audience is. >> See the prezi here
Top Twenty Typographic Taboos
The slides below were designed to support my Pecha Kucha presentation (20 slides, 20 seconds each) about typography, explaining what NOT to do when designing with type. 
Branding and marketing (for pet industry businesses)
The slides below supported my presentation about branding and marketing, delivered to an audience of pet industry professionals. 

Website navigation design
I delivered this presentation at a Brisbane Web Design Meetup back in 2010, discussing different styles of website navigation (historic and current). It was lots of fun designing highly visual slides using retro fonts and imagery. The presentation won Slideshare's presentation of the week and has had over 70,000 views. For info, see the slide notes

Slides about web design for conversion >> see the slides here
Presentation designs

Presentation designs
