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The Great Gatsby Book Covers

The Great Gatsby
By: Kianna Baird
The project was to design 3 book covers for a book to be shown in an exhibit at the Library of Congress for an exhibit of the 100 most influential books of all time. The designer should create 3 highly conceptual book covers for their chosen novel. The three covers include typography, photography/physical, and designer's choice. My chosen novel is The Great Gatsby, written by F. Scott Fitzgerald.
The Great Gatsby is a story about love, secrets, and the American dream. Jay Gatsby is a wealthy man who throws extravagant parties to capture the attention of the love of his life, Daisy. However, Daisy is married to John Buchanan who is suspicious of the love Gatsby has for Daisy. The truth about Gatsby is announced to Daisy that his wealth and fortune came from criminal activity. Eventually, Gatsby is shot dead after suspicion that he struck a woman with a car, even though it was Daisy's fault. Daisy does not attend Gatsby's funeral but instead leaves with her husband Tom as she feels her allegiance is to him. Gatsby lived the end of his life concerned with the future without Daisy which he felt was "unbearably ugly." 
Gatsby was a good man at heart, but fell trap to the American Dream. He was consumed by wealth and status until it literally defined him. In his dream world, he would be with Daisy, the love of his life, reaching for the stars. Instead, he is so focused on the world that has engulfed him.

Book Covers
Designer's Choice
The Great Gatsby Book Covers

The Great Gatsby Book Covers

The project was to create 3 well designed book covers for a chosen novel. The required covers were typography, photography/physical, and designer Read More
