Liga das Deusas
League of Goddesses 

Conceived and produced by 2D artist Ana Gusson, actress and writer Martha Brito and filmmaker Ulisses da Motta, Liga das Deusas is a project for an animated TV show series with 13 episodes of 11 minutes each.

Five young girls from around the world get chosen by magical spheres that were left by goddesses as gift to humankind a long time ago. They inherit their powers and come together to fight against evil forces controlled by the evil Ishtar and the White Demon, that are causing humanity to destroy itself.
Main Characters:
From Cairo (Egypt), gets the power of Isis, the goddess of magic, and is leader of the group;
From Niamey (Niger), gets the powers of Iemanjá, the goddess of the sea, is a quiet but powerful force;
From Athens (Greece), has the powers of Artemis, the goddess of hunt, becoming a true warrior; 
From Sao Miguel (Brazil); inherits the powers of Laravi and becomes the brain and gadget master of the league.
From Tokyo (Japan), has the powers of Ozume, the goddess of joy; 
The Mascot:
 Ancient spirit guardian of the spheres; Waited generations for the new goddesses girls to reveal themselves;
The Antagonist: 
Was originally supposed to be one part of the league, but the White Demon found her first and mislead her path. He wants to control her sphere, but doesn’t know why. She's resentful and feels lonely.
Background concepts - externar and internal options.
Original concept: Ulisses da Motta
Story development: Ana Gusson, Martha Brito and Ulisses da Motta
Art Direction & Character Design: Ana Gusson

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Liga das Deusas

Liga das Deusas

animation tv show project pitch
