Profil appartenant à Sydnie Chin

Food Festival Branding

I took advantage of this food festival branding campaign assignment to explore new modes of design. After my initial research, sketches, and concepts, I got to work. 

I was inspired by a printmaking class and the messy nature of the famous Italian event. 

With that in mind, I bought some oranges and stamped pages and pages of oranges which I then converted my favorites into Photoshop brushes. These brushes became a foundation for the project that is always a little bit different, messy, and exciting, just like the event itself. 

To further explore new ways to design, I taught myself how to use the basics of Adobe After Effects to animate the logo as in the gif below. 
I created these sketches, with the idea of stamping each orange for the specific pieces. 

I used orange paint to stamp the oranges, and then converted them into high contrast images, both of which are shown below.

This project became a rare case in which the stamps I created led my process more than my sketches. Playing with the various custom brushes allowed me to experiment and find the right style for the project.
Food Festival Branding
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Food Festival Branding

Food Festival Branding for the Battle of the Oranges 2020 created with handmade orange stamps.

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