The concep project for the  THINGS (design and innovation agency for the internet of things).
RePOKE aims at supporting people with chronic diseases to remember to take pills (or other medicines) in order to be more adherent to the pharmaceutical therapy. It is a physical reminder that displays time-based advices through icons, sounds and vibration. A recorded voice message (30secs) can be attached to preset reminders to provide personalized information, detailed instructions or particular suggestions.  
Some identity elements were developed for supporting project evolution.
RePOKE works also as messenger allowing users to receive pokes (a small visual message with the intent to attract the attention of the user). 
The supervisor can send Pokes to a RePOKE device through the mobile app used to preset reminders on the device itself. For instance a user can re-poke the supervisor to easily say ‘I am OK’ or ‘don’t worry I will take the pill in a minute’.
RePOKE can be used to support other daily activities becoming a sort of ‘companion’ that reminds you of performing important tasks to be safer, more productive 
and healthier (i.e. ‘take a break’, ‘drink coffee’, ‘relax’ or 
’eat something’).


RePOKE is a personal device for helping people to do not forget to take medicines during the all day.
