Profil appartenant à Shanlyn Chew

Noise x Band of Doodlers Character Clash 2020

Noise x Band of Doodlers Character Clash 2020

Character Clash is a character design competition/exhibition and learning programme organised by National Art Council Singapore (NAC) and Band of Doodlers (BOD). In the almost 2-month long programme, participants attended weekly sessions to hone on their illustration and character design skills. In one of the sessions, participants worked together with young artists from Social Services Organisations (SSO), and get inspiration for the final artwork which will be exhibited at the end of the programme. To show appreciation to the young artists from SSO, participants are required to digitalise their original line drawing, keep the originality to the maximum. 

Left: Original line artwork by artist from SSO
Right: Digitalise version of original line artwork
Artist interpretation based on SSO artwork
"In the session with SSO artists, this artist who drew the 3-headed chicken warrior, is a young boy with high interests in war-related history and machineries. In our sharing session, he shared about how he felt about the current state of the world, and maybe a hero needs to enter and save the world, thus this 3-headed chicken warrior was born. Keeping his interest and ideas in mind, I decided to maintain the original look of the character as much as possible, except for adding more details to build up the character, and giving a story to this hero."

Character Name: Teio
Identity: 3-headed Alien Warrior
No matter how negative the world is, Teio always radiates positivity, spreading love and empathy into people’s lives. A big, friendly and highly intelligent alien warrior, his ambition is to create a better new world for the people. He countdowns to the day when the first rainbow appears after the darkness, everyone will feel in peace, once again.
Thank you NAC and BOD for organising this programme!
Thank you for viewing my artwork!
Noise x Band of Doodlers Character Clash 2020
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Noise x Band of Doodlers Character Clash 2020

Character design illustration

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