During my BTEC final major project, I decided to look at chakras, chromotheraphy and eastern cultures. My project was based around the idea that in our modern western society we often overlook our basic instincts, for example being in touch with nature and the universe. We let ourselves be carried away by things that are futile, and make us unhappy.
There are two different moods to my images, and as you will notice, one half of the images are "constricted" whereas the other half are "liberating". The coloured band is layered on the corresponding chakra on the body, and the colour is also equivalent to each chakra. 
Whilst editing my images, I realised that they looked pretty good without the human figure, too. Therefore I decided to save a copy of each, as they could be used for other purpouses.
These are the business cards I printed out for the exhibition. 


Final Major Project for my BTEC in Photography.
