I have a confession to make: I worked in marketing, so asking for personal information was a huge part of my design challenge and I strive to relieve the stress of coming on to yet another form by limiting the number of fields (if possible), reducing the footprint of the form itself and providing a short description of benefits of filling out the form and getting the information. Please try to keep in mind that the best practices for reg form design is limited by a real-life technology available to this particular designer.

In the last year or so, I've made a conscious effort to streamline the reg form design and offer relevant content and links to related content whenever possible. The result: increase in the pages viewed per visitor as well as higher registration numbers (this may not seem important, but, in the end, that is how many B2B companies stay in business - driving leads for sales, selling the product and so on).
The bottom form is for a short demo video and the form is actually optional - there is a link to skip the form and go straight to the video, but I know, most people will fill it out.
I try to keep the navigation available as much as possible, but external-facing pages have a simplified header with no top navigation - wasn't my call.
This is the landing page after the form for a demo is submitted. Besides the video itself, it contains breadcrumbs to go back, direct links to related videos (no reg forms for these) and a link to a free trial.
Landing page for Google Adwords campaign.
This is part of the series of landing pages for paid Google searches. The layout is a little different with a larger hero shot and more product screens for audience unfamiliar with the product; the page title and description reflect the particular ad that visitor would have clicked from to provide continuity and increase keyword relevance.
Landing page for a webcast.
Included are next steps - contact us and start trial - as well as more educational tools, i.e. a cost calculator and a datasheet (no registration required).
Another example of a landing page with a recorded webcast and analyst report available for download, as well as links to other related videos.
Landing Pages & Forms

Landing Pages & Forms

Working as a designer in a marketing department has its unique challenges, one of which is asking users to fill out those dreadful reg forms. He Leggi di più


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