Henkilön Mike Tosetto profiili

New Theatre Brand Video

New Theatre is one of Sydney’s oldest, proudest and most independent theatre’s. With 80 years of rich history, firm beliefs and an undeniable passion for the arts, New is a peoples theatre in the truest sense. Their ethos is about celebrating alternative theatre and helping to grow the careers of anyone and everyone who wants to get involved.

This ethos is celebrated through a bold and unexpected identity. At the centre of it all, a new logomark referencing unexpected twists and turns in the form of an ‘NT’ device, that stems from the word mark. The logo combines the three initial letters of The New Theatre into one simple mark. The unique mirrored structure of the mark allows applications and messaging to be rotated. The device is used to communicate the theatre’s aims for constant reinvention, transitions and alternative viewpoints. It allows New Theatre to sit proudly at the centre of their productions, literally stamping them and claiming them as their own. The idea of 'new' collaborations with local businesses and the community also comes to life through product and event partnership.
This animation was produced for the launch night and was played on the big screen to a full house.
Find out more about this project on Interbrand Sydney's website.
Creative Director: Mike Rigby
Design Director: Chris Doyle
Designers: Eric Ng, Diana Chirilas
Motion Designer: Mike Tosetto
Copy Writer: Lex Courts
New Theatre Brand Video

New Theatre Brand Video

Interbrand rebranded the New Theatre in Newtown. This animation was produced for the launch night and was played on the big screen to a full hous Lue lisää
