profiel van de gebruiker

Feather - Focus Stacking

A macro image commissioned by Affinity that was intended to explore the focus stacking capabilities of their Photo editing software. As well as generating the final image, the goal was also to record and share the process of capturing the image in-camera as well as how each shot was compiled using the Affinity software.  Below are some of the shots and films captured behind the scenes. 

A focus stacked image combines numerous shots captured across multiple focal planes of a subject. The result is an image that appears pin sharp across the whole frame. This technique can generate some interesting and almost hyperreal effects that play with our perception of scale within an image. Above you can see how the final image (left) compares to one of the 70 images combined to create it.
These images show a selection of tests captured in the early stages of the project. These shots were used to help decide the type of feather, composition and general lighting that would be used in the final image. The chosen feather was from a blue & yellow Macaw.
A selection of images capturing some camera and lighting setups from behind the scenes. Although feathers are hydrophobic to some degree, they do begin to absorb the water droplets when left for some time. This meant that the shots had to be captured quickly before the structure of the droplets began to soak across the surface of the feather.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
A brief film showing some of the setup process, image compilation and final tweaks in post.
Feather - Focus Stacking


Feather - Focus Stacking

A focus stacking photography project commissioned by Affinity Photo.
