Sherifa Hafez sin profil

The Night the Moon Lit Up


This series consists of 3 artworks, accompanied by a short narrative.

Bringing to life the story of the peaceful Moon people, the menacing Sun people and 
the inevitable battle that befalls between Sun & Moon, lighting up the world as it sleeps.
“Dare not step into the sun, for it burns with a selfish desire for hurt”, warned Night.

And so they stayed.

And on a night blue, 
paler and paler they grew. 
Their skin glowing white, 
their eyes growing dark, 
blending in with the night.

“Should you ever face her golden light”, said Night,
“reach upwards.”
“I am safe. I am home. I am life itself. Come to me.”
Chimed the Sun, flooding the Earth with her golden light.

Floating up towards her, 
their hair billowed and glowed.

They are lively with a fiery passion, illuminating every fibre of their being.
“Dare you let the Night put me out?”,
she challenged.
“Raise your palms in balls of fire. Bathe the Night in my golden light.”
The Night the Moon Lit Up

The Night the Moon Lit Up
