Federico Bonenti's profileAndrea Lantelme's profile

"Good Morning Humanity"

With the global campaign “Good morning Humanity”, we wanted to send a message of trust to the entire humanity by using Charlie Chaplin’s words from the legendary final speech of "The Great Dictator”. A voice from the past to inspire our present, in the absurd and complicated 2020. 
An extraordinarily modern cry of hope to encourage us all and to remind us that together we are stronger than any adversity, discrimination or barrier.
Headline: This is the good morning to our rediscovered humanity. Let's live it together.  ​​​​​​​
Executive Creative Director Michele Mariani
Creative Director Copy Federico Bonenti
Creative Director Art Andrea Lantelme
Production Company Movie Magic
Director Ago Panini
Photographers Steve McCurry, Jerome Sessini and Dennis Stock (also print) by Magnum Photos
Original Speech by Charlie Chaplin in "The Great Dictator"
Music "Rain, in your black eyes" by Ezio Bosso

AdForum Top 5 Best Ads of the week worldwide.
+35 millions views on Youtube
On May 7th 2020 “Lavazza” trending topic worldwide on Twitter (Source: “Meltwater”)
Premio San Bernardino per la pubblicità socialmente responsabile.
ADCI AWARDS Bronze Film Crafting, Shortlist Film 
EPICA AWARDS Shortlist Non-Alcoholic Drinks, Shortlist Covid-19 Campaign 

"Good Morning Humanity"

"Good Morning Humanity"

