Buse Dağdelen's profile

Social Awareness Campaign: Melanoma Cancer

This project was made as 3rd year studio Social Awareness Campaign Poster. My chosen subject was Melanoma Cancer. Melanoma cancer is a skin type cancer that mostly goes unnoticed and has a high death rate over the world. If noticed the success rate is very high. This cancer mostly caused by high UV light exposure and tanning machines. In the body it can be see as a mole, a bump, a scar or discoloration of the skin. It can be prevented by the use of sunscreen. 

This poster below was the chosen one. The exaggerated lightness of the body is taken after the light skin colored people have a higher chance of catching this cancer and the green represent a x-ray. Which is one of the way to recognize this cancer type.
At first, i printed out different versions of writing the word 'melanoma' and using a projections light on a naked body to reflect the words and took photos in different lights and places of body parts.
These are some of the photos after they were cropped and edited.
The last two below is the runner up works for the poster. The first one was seen as reminding the sunburn too much and the black & purple one was made after the scanning of a body.
Social Awareness Campaign: Melanoma Cancer


Social Awareness Campaign: Melanoma Cancer

Social Awareness Melanoma Cancer
