Profil użytkownika „Courtney Mattson”

The Study of Disillusioned Beauty

How Far Is Too Far?
An Accentuation of General Beautification
(Based on the previous Illusion Vs. Reality Project)

In the digital era where everyone can edit their photos as they deem suitable, in a variety of different apps; how far is too far? What's the difference between one click of the liquify tool or three? What harm could a little light painting do? It's almost to easy to destroy the integrity of an image with just a few changes. 
The focus of this project was to show how easy it is to completely change a person's appearance. Most of these photos took under a few hours to alter and the step by step process shows how easily a few more clicks can take a photo of someone and turn them into someone else entirely
*All models have consented to the editing of these images and the publication of them online in their dramatically altered state. 
**All models are aware of the intent behind this project. 
The Study of Disillusioned Beauty

The Study of Disillusioned Beauty

How Far is too Far?
