The Migraine Pack
What is the Migraine Pack? 

The Migraine Pack is a different approach to helping deal with migraines. This box isn't trying to solve the medical problem, but rather offering simple and low-cost solutions to the symptoms that someone may be experiencing. Two types of candy are included, Ginger candy (for nausea), Peppermint candy (muscle relaxer), blackout sunglasses (for light sensitivity), earplugs (for sound sensitivity), and a small pocket size journal so you can track when and how you experience your migraines. 
What are the Spots?

If you've ever rubbed your eyes a little too long, you know that you can see colors (phosphenes) due to the eye perceiving light that isn't actually there. For many people, optical migraines can come with colorful dots, black streaks, or white waves. Migraines are something that you cannot see, but optical migraines and aura migraines provided an interesting take for the visual imagery for the pack. 
What inspired the Migraine Pack? 

A previous project trying to consolidate information on migraines, see below!

Migraines: Triggers: Tips: Treatments 

A Very Different Take on Visually Depicting Migraines

This poster dedicated to migraines came almost a year before the Migraine Pack was even conceptualized. Although each product has a unique visual language, there are a lot of commonalities within the two projects. Both projects aim to help
solve and simplify care for migraine sufferers. There are so many solutions, every website has their own opinion on what
you should do to figure out what will truly help manage your symptoms. Both projects aim to give options in a more constructive and condensed and digestible way. 
The Migraine Pack

The Migraine Pack

A Complex Medical Issue which is impossible to see and difficult to treat
