Sakura Wine 櫻花酒禮盒



Every year from March to April is the season of flower blooming,  Pink Cherry Blossom is very romantic so winery decided to make use of the pink cherry blossom brew it and turn it into wine. In order just to view the beauty of Pink Cherry Blossom, we can also make it as a wine and taste it. However it always takes a long time in the brewing process, but it is one of the best sellers in Japan. 

The visual of the design is very straight forward which can directly be linked with Pink Cherry Blossom. We’ve decided to use “Sakura” as the main theme as well as the pink colors to produce the main visual of the packaging design. So that consumers can identify the product attributes at a glance. Based on the theme “ Sakura” we combined with the main colors - pink to produce the packaging design and add in with Silver Stamping on the wordings to increase the layering of the product.
Creative Director | Kevin Lin
Designer | Kevin Lin
Photographer | Férguson Chang​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Client | KN MANOR

All Rights Reserved Design by K9 Design.

Sakura Wine 櫻花酒禮盒

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Sakura Wine 櫻花酒禮盒

每年3月至4月是櫻花盛開的季節,粉紅色的櫻花海十分浪漫,酒莊特別將當地櫻花釀造成酒,不但使櫻花除了觀賞外,還可透過酒品嚐飲用,每次需費很長的工時,是每次在日本上市馬上就完售的商品。 我們通過設計推出直觀的視覺形象捕捉市場。而此次以商品「櫻花」做為主視覺,結合主色系粉紅的包裝設計推出,使消 Läs mer
