Meta Work 的个人资料

Beyond The Surface

Sin­gle-chan­nel video, 2010 / Du­ra­tion: 3'14"
Idea & Pro­duc­tion: E­gor Kraft / Cam­era: Ivan Apol­lonov / Ac­tor: Do­natas Gru­dovic / Sound: Cos­mic Honey

The video is a vi­sual metaphor for such sub­jects as the con­di­tion­al­ity of bound­aries and the pre­dom­i­nance of essence over ex­is­tence. Along with this, it has a sculp­tural di­men­sion re­lated to the evo­lu­tion of form in space and time. The space as a black ab­solute - pre­sented as an al­le­gory of au­then­tic free­dom as well as the nar­ra­tive links to the philo­soph­i­cal dis­course of how con­scious­ness and ex­is­tence are re­lated to each other.
Beyond The Surface

Beyond The Surface

Personal project; Director Egor Kraft Camera Ivan Apollonov Production Egor Kraft Actor Donatas Grudovic Sound Cosmic Honey The video is a visual 阅读更多内容
