Base 23's profile


Surface Design
“BASE23 @INIT” | around 5,00 x 2,80mtr | Spraypaint and acrylic on wood | Assistance UrbaneRenard

Base23's current work "BASE @init" is an attempt to depict a sculpture made from letters of his pseudonym, which are freely interpreted and reduced to their essential forms and abstractly staged. On the one hand, the “sculpture” is painted two-dimensionally on the wall and, on the other hand, it is visualized by intervening in the existing architecture with three-dimensional elements made of wood. In the eye of the beholder, the symbiosis of 2D and 3D causes irritation and, viewed from a certain point of view, creates the illusion of a body / sculpture and relates in terms of content to today's technical developments and the question of reality and fiction.

Photography | Onur Dinc and BoaOne

