Profilo di Stephanie Albino

36 Days of Type 2020 - Floral Edition

36 Days of Type is a project that invites designers, illustrators, and graphic designers to express their particular interpretation of the letters and numbers of the Latin alphabet. This is a yearly open call for any creative artist looking to show their endless possibilities of typography and graphics.

The goal was to create a letter and/or number alphabetically each day while maintaining a consistent color pallet and a handwritten letter.

The Solution: The year 2020 for me was all about floral designs and handwritten type so I wanted to incorporate this to my 36 Days of type challenge. Each day I would sketch the letter form, the floral design, and the handwritten type while later bringing it to Illustrator to retouch a few corrections.
36 Days of Type 2020 - Floral Edition

36 Days of Type 2020 - Floral Edition

36 Days of Type is a project that invites designers, illustrators, and graphic designers to express their particular interpretation of the letter Leggi di più
