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Lo Hei Animation Breakdown

Lo Hei Instagram Animation Breakdown
Lo hei (or yusheng, yee sang or the Prosperity Toss), is dish served during Chinese New Year in Singapore, where we toss shredded vegetables as a symbol of good luck and prosperity. It is usually accompanied by shouting new year greetings, or most commonly in Singapore, the hokkien phrase "Huat ah!" (to prosper).

I decided to try recreating this action in 3D, as part of my practice, for Instagram.
Breakdown of the animation
I split the effect into 2 parts, animating in C4D and later simulation, using Houdini Vellum to simulate the shredded vegetable strands and the internal C4D bullet solver for the crackers. In addition, I did a simple rig for the chopsticks to make it easier to animate. Everything is brought back to C4D to light and render with Redshift.
Thank you for viewing!
Lo Hei Animation Breakdown


Lo Hei Animation Breakdown

Lo Hei Chinese New Year Animation Breakdown
