Farm Design sin profil

Schau Cookware


Feed Your Instincts

Schau Cookware is an outdoor camping cast iron brand built for adventure, with a multi-purpose pot that provides the urban outdoorsmen the versatility and confidence to cook greatly in the vast and expansive outdoors. Feed Your Instincts is a philosophy that goes deeper than good eating, it’s about feeding the inner wild child. Schau sparks the fire within us and fuels our hunger for something more. 

Primal Roots

Amongst the hustle of modernity, there is a longing for a simpler and slower way to live. An animal instinct calling us back to our hunter-gatherer roots. A way of life that reconnects us to the wild.

At Farm Design, we saw an opportunity to evolve the Schau brand to embody more than just a cookware line, but a lifestyle—  connecting food with the outdoors and bringing a sense of place to the plate. In the spirit of connecting humans back to our primal roots, we challenge the urban outdoorsmen to master the fire, cook with fresh ingredients, and feed their instincts.

Thinking Outside...

Leaning more into a premium space, our approach was to keep the exterior packaging intentionally minimal, allowing the focus to be on the box construction. A primary feature is the clamshell box closure with a keyhole that frames the cast-iron embossed logo. The expectation shifts upon opening the box, with a contrast of bold pattern and brand voice to juxtapose against the sophisticated shell.

Use Your Outdoor Voice
Farm's goal was to develop a brand identity system that maintained a balance between premium integrity and wild heart. The duality creates versatility within the brand, allowing touchpoints like the packaging to remain minimal while social and marketing collateral play up the adventure-seeking free-spirited persona. 

Schau Cookware


Schau Cookware
