These have been some very strange days. My 3 yr old and I have been chasing each other around the house nonstop to pass the time. This short animation loop was created using Bendy Limbs - a very cool, easy to use rigging tool by EJ Hassenfratz. The house was done with a couple of images parented to 3D data in AE (I illustrated in Adobe illustrator with textured brushes). For the characters legs I used Sketch & Toon in C4D with noise added and touched up in AE. The shadows were done frame by frame with shape layers. The animated lines on the bodies were done with shape layers as well. I used roughen edges to blend.

Below is the styleframe I illustrated (in Adobe Illustrator). I used this as a guide while working in C4D to reproduce the look in 3D:

This next short piece was also created in Cinema 4D and finished in After effects. No special rigs needed. I used Sketch and Toon once again to render the character and hammock and then added in all the background details and extra line work in After Effects. I'm enjoying playing with this style as it allows a lot of flexibility with shot setup and is quick to edit.  


#StayHome - Doing a lot of chasing each other around the house during these COVID-19 days.
