Perfil de inês osório

BORDER CONTROL :: Casa da Música

Musical Theater \ Sala 2, CASA DA MÚSICA, Porto \ portugal
Border Control , 2010
Musical theatre created for Casa da Música, Porto.
Directed by Tim Yealland and Rachel Leach.
Conception of set design, props and scenic elements under the Artistic Direction of Rute Rosas
Visual Production with Artistic Colective ®deNós.

The Educational Service of Casa da Música annually develops the Training Course for Musical Entertainers. The proposals that are being worked with the musicians throughout the year, have as common axis the exploration of a creative and musical process with inclusion of society´s groups that tend to be forgotten or disadvantaged. The Border Control show included in its cast the Musical Ensemble of 2010's Course and a group of and a group of young people of CIAD (Centro Integrado de Apoio à Deficiência/ Integrated Disability Support Center), as main interpreters.
The proposal to create this musical theater, included as a generic theme the exploration of concepts such as the notion of frontier, dream / reality and gap and limits. The plastic conception that was developed in conjunction with the vast and heterogeneous working group, aimed to enhance the sound and conceptual environments of the scenes, using everyday elements for this purpose, decontextualizing them and working them specifically for the construction of objects respond to each event.

BORDER CONTROL :: Casa da Música


BORDER CONTROL :: Casa da Música

Border Control was presented at the annual event "Ao Alcance de Todos", sponsored by the Education Department of Casa da Música (Porto). The proj Leer más
