API Documentation
Need to present Mondia Pay DCP(Direct Carrier Billing) features and how it works.
Provide a full description and explanation for Mondia Pay to either a commercial party or to a technology party.
Explains the full features that Mondia Pay offer as a payment gateway and how any application can integrate with it through it's public APIs.
Click for live preview https://docs.mondiapay.com/ ​​​​​​​
APIs flow visual presentation round 1
APIs flow visual presentation Final
APIs structure layout (round 1)
APIs structure layout (round 2)
APIs structure layout (round 3)
APIs structure layout (round 4)
APIs structure layout wireframe FINAL
Main layout structure
APIs layout structure LIV
Provide a simple and fully descriptive titles and descriptions for all Mondia Pay features.
Mondia Pay Documentation
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Mondia Pay Documentation

Product description and API documentation.

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