Ignasi Perez Nogueras profil

Dance of the devils

Dance of the devils
Branding Catalan Traditions
The project: Build a brand to promote the traditional festivities of Catalonia. 

To make sure it didn't gorw unexpectedly to a point it doesn't make any sense, and loose coherency, the first step was to find the right target. Children form 5 to 10 years old were chosen after a extensive research about the current situation of the traditional festivities in Catalonia. The main reason was because of the high level of be influenced and the receptivity. The core idea is to clinch the base of the society from an early stage to make sure they will be aware, follow, and participate the traditional festivities which progresively are disapearing.How to make them pay attention to it? How to make something traditional, sometimes associated to borredomres, stimulating and fun? Making it a game! A game that form the begining the child will be the creator, from the characters to the way he will play. Therefore a series of semi ruled games based on paper toys are proposed. Each game will content a booklet which shows the story of the festivity or tradition adapted for children and to inspire them. A range of paper-toys ready to cut, fold, glue and play and blank papertoys to let the child be the creator from the base creating their very own characters. At the back of the pack the story is written to let parents be part of the game beeing the storyteller. Every game could be played by a single kid or shared with friends.A second step will be the creation of a website where anyone would be able to upload their own version of the characters of the traditional festivity to share with others and download the liked ones.

Dance of the devils

Dance of the devils

Product result freom branding Catralan traditions
