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The Great Darkened Days - A film by Maxime Giroux

Film poster, handmade props, opening credits and press materials for Maxime Giroux’s latest film, The Great Darkened Days. The movie follows a Québécois deserter as he journeys into the American West in the midst of war. The typography evokes a classical period with touches of imperfections to convey the main character’s troubling adventures. Inspired by the aesthetics of the 1940s, handmade props featured in the film include a fictitious cigarette pack, a business card for French con artist.

Creative direction & Graphic Design: Francis Desrosiers, Harrison Fun 
Director: Maxime Giroux 
Production Designer: Patricia McNeil 
Producers: Sylvain Corbeil & Nancy Grant 
The Great Darkened Days - A film by Maxime Giroux

The Great Darkened Days - A film by Maxime Giroux


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