I N T E R X I O N    -    M R S 2


Client : Interxion
Producers : Univup
Storyboard and Art Direction: Gregory Villien
Motion Design & VFX : Jissse
Softwares: After Effects, Element 3D, Trapcode Suite, Blender

P r o j e c t    S u m m a r y

This video was made for a projection in a big room like you can see above, 15 and 21 meters wide, which lead to a 14 000 pixels wide comp. We also had to take into account the perspective, all scene had to be rendered through 3 cameras, one for the front and one for each side, so everything was not distorted when projected. So that was a really heavy project with long render times, but with some good planning and the help of a community render farm for the 3D scene everything went smoothly.

The project being quite old I don't have much of a breakdown, so I'll just focus on the intro scene with big server rooms, which was done in Blender. Everything else was made in After Effects, with tons of Trapcode Form and Particular as usual !


S E R V E R    R O O M

The scene was made with Blender, I modeled a really simple server bay, and added details in the materials: Leds randomly blinking and changing colors, light moving through the cables. This was done procedurally using 4D noise.
The project was done in 2.79, so even if the screens here are made with Eevee ( I tried converting the project when familiarizing myself with Eeevee), the final renders were done in Cycles, using Sheepit Renderfarm.

I then exported camera and floor info and composited everything in After Effects, adding some particle sprites with Trapcode Form and depth of field.

H D    I M A G E S

Some exports in better quality.



