Profil Jacqueline Lowe

NaNox - an interactive experience

NaNox - an interactive experience
NaN0x is some kind of Artificial Intelligence which tries to communicate with human beings about what she wants. Different visual and audio-visual cues indicate how NaN0x currently feels. If nobody does what NaN0x wants, she will start to get angry. NaN0x impatiently waits for the present people to fulfill her will and will react even angrier than before - until her system crashes and reboots. If the people achieve to make NaN0x happy, it won’t take long until she has new demands for them.
The idea behind
In recent years AI and algorithms have taken over our day to day life. Smart Home devices for example help us with everyday tasks, but sometimes they do not understand us, which causes us to repeat ourselves over and over again. We even try to pronounce the sentence differently and wrong so that we are understood by the AI. Other systems like self-driving cars do the parking for us, smart assistants on smartphones plan our calendar. These are just some examples of how we hand over control over our lives to machines.
Technical realization
NaN0x is a project for the Deep Space in the Ars Electronica Center and requires its people tracking and wall and floor projection techniques. The project was realized in Processing. The biggest part of the project was to work out the idea behind and how to communicate it to the people participating in this experience. Of course, NaNox needed to be appealing so we looked out for a vibe that makes the player believe, that NaNox is an actual AI.

This project was realized in my Master's Study Digital Arts with my project partner Johannes Lugstein. He was also responsible for the coding part, helping out with the more difficult part of it. We both were responsible for developing the idea and realizing the whole project.

NaNox - an interactive experience

NaNox - an interactive experience

NaN0x is some kind of Artificial Intelligence which tries to communicate with human beings about what she wants. Different visual and audio-visua Další informace
