There's a lot of things I loved about being a child of the 80's; the cartoons, the music and of course, the florescent clothing. More than all of those, however? The toys. Oh man did I love the toys. There's really no way to describe many of them other than that they were just deliciously 80's. They were innovative, fun and were just grotesque enough to raise an eyebrow from the adults without sending off any parental alarms. Kids are wusses today and I pity the kid-friendly educationally sound cutesy nonsense my son is going to have to put up with when he's old enough to appreciate a good action figure.
There's one toy line that comes to mind as I reminiscence about my awesome childhood... FOOD FIGHTERS! What were Food Fighters you ask? Well in essence, they combined the two things every 80's child loved: Greasy food and WAR. They were anthropomorphic items of food with army gear and weapons. They were plastic, they were hollow and they were battle-ready!
There's not a ton else to really say about Food Fighters. As it was with many other 80's play things, they were as simple a concept as you could get, and I miss that simplicity nowadays. To pay tribute to these awesome toys, I made this here illustration of the "Kitchen Commandos" - The good guys.
Food Fighters!
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Food Fighters!

Illustration of one of my favorite toy lines from the 80's... It was awesome being a kid back then.

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