Dobra na Piscina
Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
5 - 26 October 2019
4 x 6 x 4 m.

Penique productions was invited to create and participate of the MEIO exhibition, at Galeria Carambola, Rio de Janeiro. For the occasion we present the work Dobra na Piscina, an inflatable in the gallery's pool; an installation that, in a playful way, proposes a reflection on the exhibition environment, the nature of the art work and the public's role as an activator of the aesthetic experience.
"MEIO, as an immaterial element, substance or environment within which certain phenomena are produced; is a set of units and circumstances that influence a living organism; in addition to the possibility of doing anything to reach an end or part of it. United by the desire to explore the process, this exhibition brings together four artists who place visual, physical, corporeal and playful experiences as fundamental premises of the works. Between inside and outside, between balance and stability, between movement and inertia, the audience penetrates the real field and builds their individual impression by activating the exhibition that remains open in the middle of construction."
Dobra na Piscina

Dobra na Piscina


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