Henkilön Penique productions profiili

Sobre jo, el pa i el pernil

Sobre jo, el pa i el pernil
Granollers, Spain
20 October 2018
6 x 6 x 6 m.

Penique was invited to be part of Mostra d‘Art Urbà a Roca Umbert (MAU), seventh edition, as the A Cel Obert Festival winners. On the premise of approach the reality of the cultural center and its historical context, the Roca Umbert fabric factory, Penique productions delivered an ephemeral installation that occupies one of the accesses to the manufacturing complex. From this appropriation we propose reflection on the use of spaces and architecture as a witness to changes and conflicts.
The inflatable work breathes, alive, upon entering and leaving the audience, against the immobility of the rigid structure that contains it. The public activates the work, gives meaning to it and experiences it, reinforcing the idea that spaces exist according to the users.
A small portion of time, a look at the past, a point in the present.
Sobre jo, el pa i el pernil

Sobre jo, el pa i el pernil
